Monday, April 27, 2009

Sorry - "no salad"

So I decided that I want to try planting a garden.  In order to do so however, we had to move our sandbox so that we would have a nice sunny spot to grow things - you can about imagine how excited Craig was about that.  

Anyway, the sandbox got moved on Saturday - it was a family affair, the girls and I hauled ice cream buckets full of sand, while Craig carried a big storage tub full.  It didn't take as long as I had imagined it would and now I am really excited about the garden.  

The girls and I bought carrots, pumpkins, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and sweet corn to get started.  

Here is where my story is going - sorry it took so long to get here...
   We were talking to a friend the other day and Rhyan was telling her that we were planting a garden.  She asked what we were going to plant so Rhyan began listing all the things I already mentioned.  She did pretty good remembering all the things we had purchased.  The lady we were visiting with said "oh, yummy - can I come over for a salad sometime" to which Rhyan responded "oh sorry - we aren't planting any salad".

Just had to laugh at this ---