Saturday, December 13, 2008

Girls Pics

I got the girls new P.J.'s today so I thought it would be cute to take some pictures in front of the Christmas tree.  Anytime I say "pictures", especially "family pictures", Olivia gets this kind of scowl on her face.  She obviously is tired of them for some reason, but did end up smiling for a few tonight.  

You may also notice that "Santa" stopped by our house tonight!!  I quick grabbed the camera & snapped some photos of the jolly guy:)


Our fireplace is beautiful, but I have been wanting a mantel for it for the longest time!!  There wasn't even any major problems or mishaps.  It looks beautiful - although I still need to stain it.  You know me though - I couldn't wait to put some things on it - so check it out.

Snow Fun!

The weather was so beautiful today, we thought we would take advantage of it and build the year's first snowman.  The snow was perfect!  We even had time to build a "snow slide".  It is only obvious that a snowball fight would be in the cards on a day like this.  However, when you have a 6 year old and a 4 year old participating in it - things can get a little out of hand.  Whether on purpose or by accident - Rhyan hit Olivia in the face with a snowball and suddenly - it was time to call it quits and head into the house.  All in all it was a good time.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

1st Performance

Olivia's 1st Christmas Program was great! She was one of three wisemen (the cutest one, in my opinion)  The students at St. Anne's did a wonderful job memorizing their lines and singing.  Olivia and her kindergarten class played the parts of those involved in the Nativity Scene.  There were angels, Mary, Joeseph, baby Jesus (a doll), and the 3 wisemen.  Her class had to sing 2 songs, and I swear I could hear here voice over all the other kids.  She did a great job, but said that she didn't like standing up in front of people because she kept wanting to smile - but it is hard to sing right when you are smiling:)  

Monday, December 8, 2008


We finally have enough snow to go sledding!!  Don't get me wrong - I am not really enjoying this weather, but my girls do - so I do what I can.  

Craig took the girls to the "big hill" to do some sledding this weekend.  Now, when I say "big hill" - I mean big (about as long as a 12 ft. slide on your backyard swing set).  But I guess when you are a 4 or 6 year old - that's a "big hill".

So, the sleds were pulled out, snow pants were put on, and faces were covered with ski masks.  Then - off to the hill they went.  It was, in Rhyan's words on her first trip down "AWESOME"!!!  The wind was a little nippy on the nose, but fun was had by all - until snow went down the snow pants onto the tummy skin that is (brrrrrrr).  

P.S. - Craig had the best time of all:)


We spent Thanksgiving this year at the Larson house.  It was just mom, dad, the girls and us.  We had lots of good food, a short nap and helped grandma put up her Christmas tree.  She decided that the "small tree" would do this year, but of course - we still had to load it up with ornaments. The girls thought it was great and I enjoyed looking at all the things that I used to help hang on the tree.  We may just make this a yearly tradition:)

Oh yeah - we won't be making the "hanging lights out on grandma's front step" a yearly tradition.  At least not a Thanksgiving day yearly tradition - it was freezing!!!