Monday, April 27, 2009

Sorry - "no salad"

So I decided that I want to try planting a garden.  In order to do so however, we had to move our sandbox so that we would have a nice sunny spot to grow things - you can about imagine how excited Craig was about that.  

Anyway, the sandbox got moved on Saturday - it was a family affair, the girls and I hauled ice cream buckets full of sand, while Craig carried a big storage tub full.  It didn't take as long as I had imagined it would and now I am really excited about the garden.  

The girls and I bought carrots, pumpkins, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and sweet corn to get started.  

Here is where my story is going - sorry it took so long to get here...
   We were talking to a friend the other day and Rhyan was telling her that we were planting a garden.  She asked what we were going to plant so Rhyan began listing all the things I already mentioned.  She did pretty good remembering all the things we had purchased.  The lady we were visiting with said "oh, yummy - can I come over for a salad sometime" to which Rhyan responded "oh sorry - we aren't planting any salad".

Just had to laugh at this ---

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

Wow - what great weather - finally!!!  I can't remember the last time it was actually nice enough for the girls to wear cute Easter dresses without sweaters or long sleeve shirts underneath.  They had a blast finding eggs - the Easter Bunny even brought some for the dog!  Good food, family, and fun - who could ask for anything more?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

"Happy Trails To You"

So Amanda, a friend of mine, and I thought it would be a good idea to take our girls to a bike trail near Mankato for a few hours of fun and exercise.  

Well, it turned out that it was a little fun and a lot of exercise.  We had 4 girls: Olivia-6, Halle-5, Rhyan-4, and Gabby-2; 3 bikes; a bike cart; and bike seat.  That's a lot of stuff for a few hours of fun! 

My girls have been begging me for weeks to get to a bike trail and ride.  So, finally today was nice enough - as it turns out however, kids 6 and under don't have the stamina you really need to go too far on the trails.  I think we ended up spending more time stopped at various benches and such than we did actually riding our bikes, but it was quality time with the kids.

Surprisingly enough, no one needed to use the potty - but we did end up leaving one of the bikes about 5 minutes into the ride and then picked it up on the way back - Halle's legs were waaaay too tired to ride another minute:)  For the most part, the girls did a great job and we will for sure be finding other trails around here to try out.  Hoping dad can go with us next time.

Egg Hunt

Tis the Season!  For egg hunts I mean.  Every year the local Jaycees host an egg hunt for kids ages 0-3rd grade.  It is a fun time for all, even though the eggs aren't really "hidden" - they are just spread out across the grass at the park down the street.  

It has been a few years since the egg hunt has been outside due (remember last year-we had snow on Easter), so the girls were pretty excited.  They ended up getting tons of candy, gum, baseball cards, a holiday headband, and a pack of frisbees.  Pretty good haul for 3-4 minutes of work.